Assignment 1 - Pong
KIT109 Assignment 1 - Pong » Devlog
Hey all,
I managed to do the following for the base game:
Get the ball moving
Move the player paddles
Detect when the ball has left the screen
Further more, I also was able to add in:
The ball resets to the centre if it leaves the screen on any side (and starts in a random direction)
The paddles cant leave the screen (walls block them)
Scoring shows in the top left and right corners
Game logic, when a player reaches 10 points the game ends and an option to begin a new game is shown (and works)
And finally the ball slowly increases in speed the more bounces it has (and should reset when the ball is reset)
Not included
Scripts have been taken and modified from KIT109 Tutorials
Assignment 1 - Play in browser
Aug 01, 2020
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